Hi friends! I’m Kelli, the owner and creator of My Mommy Power by Kelli. I’m a wife and a mom of 3, and I work full-time outside the home as a school administrator. I met my amazing husband at a tailgate, dressed in a hoodie, about 15 years ago. We dated for 4 years and then we decided that we had to do life together forever. We gave birth to 3 amazing children in about 4 years, and they are the joy of our world. A year ago, they convinced us to get a dog, so we’re fur parents of a gorgeous goldendoodle.
I started this blog for the first time in 2013. I had gone through a very stressful time with my firstborn trying to navigate infant reflux. If you’re not familiar, try to keep it that way. It was one of the most stressful times of my life. Blogs saved me! I would literally sit up all night reading blogs and finding new ways to help my baby. I promised myself then that I would start a blog to help other moms the way that blogs had helped me. Well, blogging is not easy. It may appear that way but it’s lots of work. After I found out that baby #2 was on the way, I gave it all up. I loved it but I didn’t think I could handle it all. And the truth is that I probably couldn’t.
Fast forward a few years and a worldwide pandemic forced us to have a little time to breathe. I could tell that my daughter was getting really bored at home, so I decided that we would start a nail strip business to give us something to do. Since all nail shops were closed anyway, it was perfect! Well, nail strips brought me back to social media regularly and social media sent me right back to my blog. I looked up and saw how far blogs had come and I had to get in on the action. I reinstalled everything I had already purchased years ago and went for it! This time, I have no plans of quitting. I may slow down here and there because…life. But I’m never quitting again.
My friends would probably describe me as a “church girl”. When I can make it to church on time, you can usually find me in the choir stand or behind a solo mic. I love to sing and I believe it’s a gift from God. I’ve been asked about singing full-time, but I’m so content with the life I have. I do plan to work on album for y’all to download, but I’m not making plans to be a celebrity. I like wearing my leggings and hoodie to Target on Saturday morning without anyone knowing my name way too much to give all up for fame.
Coffee and skin care products are my guilty pleasure! And although you would never know this by walking into my messy house, I’m obsessed with organizing and making my home look good. Fall porches are my jam! I love to cook and I usually do pretty good when I have time. That’s usually my issue…time. And that is why, after all these years of thinking God wanted me to blog about reflux, I’ve decided to blog about all things motherhood and finding balance in this crazy & chaotic world. You’ll find a lot about skincare and beauty too because it’s something I’ve always loved, but lost when I became a mother and nearly lost myself.
If you miss everything else, don’t miss this. As women, we have to make space to make ourselves feel beautiful and to take time out for ourselves. It’s not selfish. It’s actually the best thing we can do for our families, communities and the ones we love. I started this blog because I wanted to share with other women and encourage us all to find the balance and beauty we need. Thanks for hanging out with me in my little corner of the internet.